Home Page



My Mother Experiences Japan


Sagicho/Taiko Matsuri

About Page

Whats New Page

Ninja Village

Funny English

Favorite Links Page

Guest Book

Greetings to everyone around the world! Welcome to my Rising Sun Web Site! My travels and adventures throughout Asia will be visually represented within these pages.

My school, Nishi-Chu
Construction News!Click on the WHAT'S NEW PAGE link. This area will give you an update on recent additions and future plans concerning the RISING SUN HOMEPAGE.

My HOME PAGE will contain initial information, along with important messages on future changes. The ABOUT PAGE helps to describe how I arrived here in Japan, my future plans, and additional personal information. The various PHOTO PAGES display visual representations of my experiences in Japan, as well as other parts of Asia. The WHAT'S NEW and FAVORITE LINKS PAGES contain useful information on changes to my web site, additional links to other web sites, and details on future plans. Lastly, the GUESTBOOK PAGE helps you spread your wisdom around the globe. A place for comments, questions, and suggestions, it's a must for every visitor.

Write Me!

Respond and Tell Me What You Think! Simply click on the "Write Me" under my picture to instantly connect to my email. Drop me a line and tell me what you think. Any suggestions? Questions? Comments? Want something quicker and easier. Double click on the brand new GUEST BOOK feature and you'll be able to add your words of wisdom for everyone to see. Hey now, don't be shy! Everyone's doing it!!

Surfing! Simply click on the web site area you'd like to view in the index located along the left hand side of the page. Enjoy!



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